Friday, October 19, 2012

The Five Key Religions

Christianity is a very popular religion around the world today. It started around 30 AD. The teachings of Christianity began to spread around the Roman Empire. Their teachings are based in their holy book called The Holy Bible. It is estimated that Christianity has about 2.2 billion following worldwide today. The central figure is Jesus Christ, meaning this is a monotheistic religion. About 40% of the Americas, 26% of Europe, 24% of Sub-Saharan Africa, 13% of Asia-Pacific, and 1% of Mid East-North Africa believe in the concept of Christianity.

Islam, next to Christianity, is the most popular religion around the world. It was started in around 622 CE by Muhammad the Prophet in Mecca. The Quraan is the holy book in the Islamic faith. Islam claims to have about 1.5 billion followers. Allah is the central figure, meaning Islam is a monotheistic religion. The geographical concentration includes Africa and the Middle East.

Buddhism was founded by a prince named Siddhartha Gautama around 460 BC. The holy book is called the Tipitaka and they claim about 2 million followers. Buddha is the central figure in Buddhism, meaning this religion is also monotheistic. The place with the largest number of Buddhist in the world is called Tibet.

Hinduism was founded around 1500-500 BC in India. The holy book is called the Vedas and they claim to have about 950 million followers. 

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