Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today in human geography, we learned about the life of Socrates. He was an ancient Greek philosopher that enjoyed thinking outside the box. He was a very ugly looking man and never wore shoes when he traveled among the streets. He would often go along the streets in his city, and ask people questions using the Socratic Method. This was a method Socrates invented to help people think and understand a problem or situation. By the end of his life, he was sentenced to death for the charges if 'corrupting the youth' and not obeying the gods. He supported governments that practiced democracy so he did not want to oppose the governments ruling, so then he died. I think Socrates wants us to understand that sometimes you have to think outside the box to truly understand a conflict or problem occurring. For example global warming is a very controversial problem going on in the world right now, some people believe it isn’t true while others agree it is true. In these types of situations, you need to really think and keep asking questions like Socrates would do to see if global warming would have enough facts to say it is either a myth or not.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

A Message to Garcia

Today in Human Geography class, I learned about a messenger man who, without any questions asked, brought a letter to Garcia during the Spanish-American War. The messenger man did not know the location where Garcia was or how far his journey was going to be, but he still agreed to go this mission. Many people today in this society don't agree to do the job given. We always make up an excuse on why we can't do it or say someone else should. In the animal kingdom, only the most fittest survive. This is the same for our lives. Only the most successful people survive. If you are lazy and not a functional part of society, you will wind up broke and unemployed. But if you try your best and work hard, you will be a very successful person. The key to success is to always work hard and put forth the best effort.

Monday, August 27, 2012

My First Day of High School

                This was it. I was actually an official high school student. I’ve been waiting years and years to be in the position I was today. I took a few steps out of my car and walked inside the school I would now call my own for the next four years. I went to my classes and got to know my teachers a little better than the last time I saw them. Then I went to lunch and met a few new friends. The freshmen are so kind and understanding when it comes to inviting and acknowledging you to join in their conversations and groups. I can already tell that John Carroll is going to be so exciting and be a new adventure every day. There are so many new friends to meet, along with a new beginning to just be myself. This year, I am going to try my hardest in school and focus on building strong friendships that would last throughout my high school career. 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

My First Day at John Carroll

          As I took my first steps into John Carroll, many emotions were overwhelming. I was no longer in my small school where everyone knew everyone. I had to now step out of my comfort zone into a new part of my life. I began to make my journey to the cafeteria, where I saw some people I knew. They helped me to feel less stressed and actually excited for my high school years. Then all the new freshmen took a seat in the auditorium. We all listened attentively at the faculty’s speeches to the future class of 2016. After we went over a few rules and regulations of the school, then we went to start a normal day in high school. I got my locker and saw how to get to my classes. Throughout the day, my anxiety for high school began to decrease substantially. A lot of my classmates were so friendly and inviting, as well as the teachers. I can’t wait for all the new adventures and challenges that await me in my years at John Carroll. 