Saturday, August 25, 2012

My First Day at John Carroll

          As I took my first steps into John Carroll, many emotions were overwhelming. I was no longer in my small school where everyone knew everyone. I had to now step out of my comfort zone into a new part of my life. I began to make my journey to the cafeteria, where I saw some people I knew. They helped me to feel less stressed and actually excited for my high school years. Then all the new freshmen took a seat in the auditorium. We all listened attentively at the faculty’s speeches to the future class of 2016. After we went over a few rules and regulations of the school, then we went to start a normal day in high school. I got my locker and saw how to get to my classes. Throughout the day, my anxiety for high school began to decrease substantially. A lot of my classmates were so friendly and inviting, as well as the teachers. I can’t wait for all the new adventures and challenges that await me in my years at John Carroll. 

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