Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today in human geography, we learned about the life of Socrates. He was an ancient Greek philosopher that enjoyed thinking outside the box. He was a very ugly looking man and never wore shoes when he traveled among the streets. He would often go along the streets in his city, and ask people questions using the Socratic Method. This was a method Socrates invented to help people think and understand a problem or situation. By the end of his life, he was sentenced to death for the charges if 'corrupting the youth' and not obeying the gods. He supported governments that practiced democracy so he did not want to oppose the governments ruling, so then he died. I think Socrates wants us to understand that sometimes you have to think outside the box to truly understand a conflict or problem occurring. For example global warming is a very controversial problem going on in the world right now, some people believe it isn’t true while others agree it is true. In these types of situations, you need to really think and keep asking questions like Socrates would do to see if global warming would have enough facts to say it is either a myth or not.

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